Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Uniting in Unity

The day after my regular class reunion I hooked up with Tommy Decourcy who had come down to Milford for the all class reunion. This event drew about 2000 former graduates from all the classes up until the school closed in ’83. Tom had been to a reunion the night before too, down the road from his house in Unity, NH.

We grew up on the same street but both of our families moved to NH before we had a chance to graduate MHS. Tom’s been living in Hawaii for years but bought his parent’s great old farm house and now spends summers up here. Because part of the main event on Friday night in Unity was a fellow Hawaiian remembered there as “Barry” Obama, Tom went down to see what all the fuss was about.

It was quite a hoot. The school’s maintenance man is the unelected Mayor of Unity and was chosen to make the introductions. He said he thought it was a bit odd for him to be doing so since he was a McCain man and he made an excellent point when he noted that the 214 votes in the primary were split right down the middle. Where’s the unity in that?

Tom was close enough in the rope line to share a “shucka” with Obama. It is a Hawaiian hand signal that indicates a friendly greeting. If you know the ‘hook’em Horns’ gesture using the thumb and pinky to indicate a pair of steers horns you have the idea. Only the thumb points up and the pinky goes down while a quick shake completes the greeting. Obama responded and came over to Tom and Ada with his winning grin and asked if they were Hawaiian. Tom explained they were from Molokai.

In seconds after Obama moved on, the Secret Service were in Tom’s face. “What does that mean?” they wanted to know. Tom told them and they too moved on.

It’s kind of a small world, but I wouldn’t want to have to paint it.


  1. Loosely (like a runny turd) translated means "Maui rules!"

    For an antipodean jolt from this splendid and exotic locale, there is this from a comment to a Matt Yglesias column at the Atlantic online site:

    ..turned down Harvard to go to Stanford because they couldn't stand the New England cold anymore.

    Oh. My. God. What kind of simpering milksop weakling thinks New England is cold? Cold???? It never drops below -10C!!! What kind of coddled babies is America raising these days? Go live in Northern Kazakhstan in an unheated apartment for 3 years, then you can complain about cold. Speaking as an employer, I would never hire an individual who complains about New England being cold - that's a sure sign of moral and spiritual weakness.

  2. Apparently not all Granite Staters are happily aboard the Unity train.

    This article from the NHPR website details the astoundingly delusional beliefs of some Democratic devotees of the PUMA (Party Unity My Ass) movement.

    I was particularly struck my the bleatings of one Deb Crapo, a party functionary from Rye, who thinks the Obamas are "snobs" and "elitist"...Oh.My.Freaking.God!

    That Michelle- what a Brahmin!
    An African-American woman from the inner city South Side of Chicago,
    the daughter of a City Water Dept employee and a Spiegel Catalogue`secretary who overcame the longest of odds and the deeply embedded racism and sexism of our society to graduate cum laude from Princeton and then Harvard Law...what a friggin' elitist snob that bitch is!!

    And Barack!!...that blue-blooded country clubber whose father abandoned him and his white mother (what an advantage being a poor mixed-race child) and- only through his elitist snob network I'm sure- was handed a degree from Columbia. But instead of taking the Wall St big bucks, he spent four years as a community organizer and tireless advocate for the most neglected and desperate communities in the South Chicago slums, subsequently becoming the first black editor of the Harvard Law Review. What a latte-sipping fairy!

    But poor Deb just doesn't "feel comfortable" with the Obamas...hmmm...I wonder what makes her so uncomfortable? It couldn't possibly be that they are a bit..well, you know..UPPITY??

    If these people are what pass for loyal Democrats in New Hampshire then we are all in a world of deepest shit.

  3. I mentioned you in my blog...the balls in your court...
