Monday, July 14, 2008

Obama's trauma

If you have already seen the newest New Yorker cover you know what the flap is about. BarackO taking it on the chin because the ace wits at the celebrated mag thought they would poke some fun at the non New Yorker types who actually think that the presidential candidate was raised in a Madrassa by Taliban war lords and that he is a five prayer a day guy right now. The cover has O’s wife looking like Angela Davis wearing cammies, combat boots, and an AK47 slung over her shoulder. Of course they are fist bumping, or doing “the terrorist fist jab,” as Fox would have it.

The O's are not happy and don’t want to extend the life of this nightmare with any comment. McCain’s camp came out immediately decrying the poor taste. Rick Hertzberg who edits and writes for the NYer came on TV this morning to lamely defend the decision and David Remnick, who is largely credited for doing a great job while he has been at the helm, felt the need to submit something to the news stations. It will be interesting to see what the Danes have to say about it all.

I think they shouldn’t have done it in that it can hurt him by reinforcing to some that these stereo types may have some traction. But I’m against censoring anything because of how it might be perceived. In the end, if I was calling the shots, I would not have run it. Vote at the right for what you think. BTW, the NYer website did not have an image of the cover when I last looked.


  1. According to one poll, 12% of Americans believe that Obama is a Muslim. When one person was told he is not a muslim, she responded "well he is to me!"

    The spokesperson for Latinos for McCain also echoed this unfounded belief and said Obama went to a Muslim school when he was young and has been brainwashed. That makes a good case for an IQ requirement for voting, doesn't it?

  2. My family shame is wouldn't have run it? Donald Segretti would have. This is rat fucking at its best. Since McCain's campaign has come out to say it's tasteless and offensive, they are just being put in the trap of having to be careful with their own unfounded portrayals of Obama.

    It's like Steven Colbert is guest editing at the New Yorker — showing the right up at its own games and exposing arch-conservative tactics for the schtick that they are.

  3. Here's Remnick defending:

  4. Yikes, Pigge, you're going soft on us! It's a magazine cover, not a political ad. We grew up on controversial magazine covers - we loved them! - and they were often considered to be art, like the 1968 Esquire cover showing Muhammad Ali shot with arrows, which was the first thing I thought of when I saw this one. At one time the print ad tag line from the '60s "You Don't Have to be Jewish to Enjoy Levy's!" was controversial too. Now it's museum quality classic. Good for the New Yorker (which hasn't been relevant for 30 years) for causing a stir and making people talk. Bravo to clever designers with provocative ideas, and a lump of coal to the politically correct crowd (including Obama's own people, for crying out loud) who see everything as an issue. It's going to be a long and depressing run to November. MB

  5. Oh those wacky Obamas...always spoofin' their peeps like on "The Jeffersons". I think the New Yorker cover is just a painted version of a photo at last year's Obama family Halloween party when Barry and 'Chelle tried to scare their white friends- the flag burning in the fireplace was a hilarious touch. This is all really so mild in a "Family Circus" kinda biggie!

    THIS COMIC is right on the money. I think The Washington Post is gonna put it on the front cover of their Sunday magazine. What a bipartisan yukfest that'll be!

  6. My first reaction was “Too far. How could they do this to Obama?” It was quickly followed by refocus on objectivity. I didn’t bitch when the magazine had the head of Donald Rumsfeld on a canine body chained to a doghouse on the lawn of the White House. And I sure as hell chuckled at the cover of George Bush in a French maid’s apron waiting on Dick Cheney. And Ahmadinejad on a toilet playing stallside with a sandaled foot is still sitting on my coffee table…So why am I offended now? This is what The New Yorker does and why it's never stopped being relevant.

  7. Blogger toasted my last posted!

    Here it is again:

    More mad Obama-tweakin comix:
    HERE and HERE

  8. "That makes a good case for an IQ requirement for voting, doesn't it?"

    Yes. And then we Libertarians would always win.
