Thursday, July 17, 2008

It’s about Iraq, Jack

Annoying twit, that Nouri al Maliki. We create a safe haven for his like and then he bites us in the ass by asking us to leave. Leave? I don’t think so. We didn’t go into this thing for any other reason than to establish a beach head on the Tigris so we would own policy and process in the Centcom/Arab states into the next millennium and beyond. We aren’t building the billion dollar Baghdad bomb shelter/embassy because we can’t figure out other ways to waste money we don’t have. Oh nooooo. The cost of this 21 building, 104 acre behemoth is more than the GNP of half of the African countries. When McCain says he doesn’t care if we’re there for a hundred years, he knows of what he speaks. The Iraqi government sold us/US the land in ’04. We own 104 acres of their country!

Now Maliki’s making noises, most probably for his homies, about achieving a viable, livable surge-induced calm that presages a path to what could pass as a normal life for what’s left of the population there. We and they claim that democracy of sorts was the goal and it has been met. So they no longer need us and it’s time for the troops to go home. But we all know that “Blood for oil” is not just some lame lefty slogan. Every action that the present administration takes toward the oil industry is only what you would expect from these greedy psychopaths.

Most disturbing right now is what might happen in Iran. If we don’t have the troops to finish up in Iraq and Afghanistan, how do we contemplate a confrontation with the 18th largest country in the world? They’ve got 70 million people and military might that Saddam Insane could only have dreamed of. There are ¾ of a million Iranians in uniform. One of the oldest and sophisticated civilizations, they have stuff that dates back to 4000 BC. These guys helped start the UN. In fact, the only two countries they don’t have relations with are Israel, because they don’t exist, and the US, because we’re friends with the country that doesn’t exist. And, O maybe a little left over bitterness from the time we wrecked their democracy and put in our own guy. He had quite a military too and he got whupped by mullahs with sticks and stones. I remember Henry Kissmyass had to sneak him into this country to get treatment for his terminal cancer. He terminated anyway.

So how do we fight these buggers? (The ‘why’ is because Cheney wants to). The only possible way given how stretched we are in that area, is by air. Bomb the snot out of ‘em. Wipe out civilians and ancient culture, make even more enemies and just watch what will happen in Iraq. There will be no reason for the Iranians not to come streaming across the borders for revenge and no one to stop them. What are we going to do, have another surge? How many of them do we have to kill from the air before the world cries out for the madness to cease?

Seymour Hirsch thinks there is going to be war and he certainly knows a lot about it. The next president won’t do it so it will have to be the Dubber and I don’t think the shameless cipher has it in him. If you look closely you can see him getting slightly cyanotic from holding his breath waiting for the nightmare of his presidency to be over.


  1. You are right about Prez. Chimpy McFuckwit PG... he doesn't have the brains or balls to pull the trigger on Iran, and with Cheney foaming at the mouth like a screeching rabid raccoon, his days as the omnipotent Dark Lord would seem to be numbered.

    Besides- Bush is far more confident victimizing uninsured children and scaring senior citizens into coronaries by threatening Medicare. This petty, vindictive little prick needs a timeout- preferably in a rubber room with Lynndie English, a good length of chain and a sandpaper anal probe!

    Israel is the real power that threatens Iran-
    they don't need our fumbling idiocracy to unleash their rough nuclear justice- we would just be in the way.

    So far, that 104 acres of Iraqi turf has cost upwards of $650 billion. Who says the real estate bubble has popped?!?

  2. Who will stand up to stop this insanity from continuing? The first Tuesday in November will certainly provide a definitive answer.

    I live in the great left-wing vibro-spa of New York City, and therefore my vote for President carries as much weight as a Congressional subpoena to Karl Rove, i.e. approaching negative infinity.

    On the other hand, the electoral votes of the Granite State are extremely important, as the outcome of the popular vote there is not at all certain.

    Anyone, of any political persuasion, who is a true patriot will stand up for the Constitution, the rule of law, the future of the planet and our legacy to this and future generations by insuring that the Conservative demolition machine is silenced at the ballot box.

    We all owe it to ourselves, our children, and to the generations of patriots who have shed their blood to establish and sustain this great and fragile experiment in Liberty and Justice for all.

    There are people all over the great state of New Hampshire who are doing the heavy lifting to ensure that there will still be a United States as we know it in the future. Please help them out and join the party.

    A good place to start is
    Blue Hampshire

    They are a good source of information, and if you scroll down the left side of the page, they have links to sevsral blogs and resource sites that are fighting for all of us- Democrat, Republican, Independent, Libertarian, Buddho-Goth.. everyone who wants to protect and defend our Heritage and Legacy.

    Hew Hampshire MATTERS!

  3. Pops - the counter is up, as you may have seen. I padded the initial count a bit or maybe I didn't. If anyone had kept track of Victoid's views (that is of the blog, not what's written ON the blog) we probably could have added a K or 2. Next step is to follow Victoid's 'vise on the photo. Maybe summer you, winter you? El Guayabera Fumar?

    'toid - your last comment filled the lungs and steeled the nerve. I find myself fantasizing about putting El Rushbo's minions and their like down with a 'we told you so' song and dance but there's no point (NYer covers aside). There is a point to the straightforward and constructive acts of getting organized and making donations.

    My 70 year old searingly cynical uncle Frank made his first ever political contribution a few weeks ago to the Man with a Plan. Better still, he gets to vote in Florida...

  4. THIScan't possibly be anything but the delirious ravings of a paranoid lunatic, can it? Hmmm...I wonder..
