Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Debate night

What do Mc and Billy Ayers have in common? Neither went to jail for wrong doing.

Professor Ayers and his equally famous wife Bernadette Dohrn turned themselves in to the authorities and then skated on charges up the ying yang (which has nothing to do with “yin” or “yang”) of blowing up people and things, because of “prosecutorial misconduct.” Say what? These assholes never had to do a day? That is mystifying indeed.

But the McPalin ticket is trying like hell to connect Barry with Billy’s crimes. At the same time they are claiming that McWrinkly Dude was “exonerated” by his fellow Senators and so the Keating smear doesn’t stick, in their minds. But he wasn’t.
Part of the problem is that campaign people can’t tell the truth and think they are not being dishonest when they dish some distortion, but rather, being clever. Somebody says, “My opponent is not telling you the whole truth when he/she says blah blah blah,” and the other person says, “He called me a liar.”

Censure is a warning to a member of Congress if they broke a law or committed a crime. "Censure is a procedure for publicly reprimanding a public official for inappropriate behavior… It derives from the formal condemnation of either congressional body of their own members. The word “exonerate” is not attached to this finding, as it usually is to most comments from Mc III’s protectors. It certainly would have been if it had been deemed that he had NO record of inappropriate dealings with the sleaze-bag S&L snake, Chas. Keating.

Billy didn’t even get a censure. He went on to lead a productive life, still married to the same gal, the rakehell bomb-throwing Bernadette, and they have raised their two kids to adulthood. He has met Obama who talked with him and probably figured that he was an okay guy with some wild stories about his past. But then he is also a friend of Mayor Daly and sits on and ed. board and a charity with Barry, or has at sometime. What is a little curious is that they live three houses from each other and even though Billy has contributed to the Obama campaign back when BHO was representing their district, no invite for a drink or something?

Nobody’s sticking up for terrorists of any stripe. This has more to do with the low sunken point of the campaign and how desperate it looks for Johnny Mc. How could he think that sending Sarahcudda after BHO would improve his image as a take charge guy? It makes me wonder if they aren’t just using her for bait. Let her dangle the Rev. Wright out there so that David Axelrod has to return fire on the Kenyan Witch Doctor incident and poke fun at the speaking in tongues that supposedly goes on at the Wassila Assembly of God Church. I guess there’s no footage of that or it would be more popular than a Tina Fey send up.

Even a died-in-the-wool serial cynic like The Smoking Jacket feels an eeriness about the seriousness of this global financial meltdown. If you watch CNBC for a half an hour you find they have lost their bonhommie and sense of humor. It’s no time to joke. The Today Show had Jim Cramer on again this morning because yesterday he advised TV land to “sell your stocks if you will be having a foreseeable needs for liquidity over the next five years.” He didn’t do his screaming thing but he was pretty forceful and Breathless Curry could only repeat, “really, REALLY?”

Today he calmy repeated it even when Meredith tried to make the connection to “yelling fire in a theater.” The Today Show does not like to upset their viewers. Cramer, to his credit stuck to his guns and said, “What if there is a fire?”

This is topic numero uno. This is what we should be hearing about tonight at 9 p.m. We don’t need no stinking mud slinging and gargantuan whoppers that debase all sides. Let Sarah do the one thing she’s good at because that’s why they hired her. It’s why LA lets Manny be Manny. It’s all she’s got. But the candidates should not pull this crap. I truly hope that Sen. McCain is working his ass off right this minute preparing to make this a debate about where this country is going in terms of financial security and what role we will play in the global financial community. What will he do about it should the fates treat him kindly (?) and put him in charge of this mess?

He’s got to prove that he is a better leader than a pilot. He doesn’t have to out do Obama so much as he has to let his supporters see that he really does have a plan that people can get behind and at the same time make them think that he can steer it though without dumping it in the drink, or clipping some low wires, and especially not getting shot down.


  1. Q: What do Barack Obama, Jeremiah Wright and Wild Bill Ayers have in common?
    A: They breathed the same Chicago air. Other than that. . .well not so much.

    The dynamic McFailin' duo, however, has had direct and participatory ties to:
    Convicted Felons (Johnny MaGoo was censured for his part in this crime against the American public), Anti-Semitic Hate Groups, America Hating terrorist-supporting lunatics.

    Sarah the Terrah eventerrorized rape victims in her own state and is currently inciting violence and encouraging dangerous racist anger.

    Will anyone ask about these issues in any debate? Will the corporate media let a few folks know about these very disturbing facts?

    Don't hold your breath!

  2. Debate Takes-

    McCain: Escaped from the ReAnimator's secret lab; has been spending time with Keith Richards getting blood replacement therapy. This is not a well man. If he wins the election, the Age of Palin is only months away.

    Obama: Very smooth. Exudes confidence and compassion; displays an impressive command of facts and knowledge of critical policy issues. Would make a great school principal, university or corporate leader, Senator, or Hey!- why not let him try being President?!

    Brokaw: Solipsistic, egomaniacal windbag; came prepared with pointless questions that only highlighted his ignorance and isolation from the realities of the modern world. Likes to display his affection for McFlatline- what bonhomie they must share!
    His performance as moderator resembled a Krazy Glued pastiche of Charlie Gibson's pus-oozing goiter, George Snuffleupagus' shriveled testicles and Bob Schieffer's strangulated skull hernia.

    Predicted Punditocracy Consensus: No clear winner, Not a game changer, great job by Brokaw. Feh!

  3. Bill Ayers acts of radicalism occurred when Obama was 8 years old. John McCain was 50 when he was a member of the infamous Keating 5. As they say on Sesame St....one of these things is not like the other.

    Bill Ayers has become a respected college professor who works to change the way we do education. John McCain went on to continue to preach the gospel of deregulation, thereby enabling the destruction of the economy.

    I don't have any concerns about Bill Ayers or Obama's connections to him. I only wish John McCain had gone to prison with Charles Keating. We'd all be spared the misery of this nasty little old man acting out his Oedipal and psychological dramas on the national stage.

  4. A helpful pictorial guide to the candidates' information technology preferences- with bonus video!
