Thursday, August 7, 2008

“See you in Denver, Bitches”

Bill Clinton can’t bring himself to give a one word answer that would effectively give his support to BarackO as the candidate because he incapable of the short retort or he can’t miss the opportunity to lecture or he wants to keep Kate Snow around long enough to tell her how much he admires her hair.

The smartest man in politics (during his presidency) will always be the guy, for me, who wagged his finger in my face and said, “I did not have sexual relations with that woman, Miss Lewinsky.” I always wondered how many times he rehearsed that line before going on TV. How big was the focus group that he tried out the many versions till he got it just wrong.

Bubba the dubba for ever after and now he has proved himself to be just that through his shabby performance in Peoria when he was supposedly stumping for his wife but really just trying to find out how many different American towns he could get laid in, in a row.

What ever the Slickster is up to this time doesn’t really matter. The Clintons will do their thing at the Denver debacle for the putative purpose of advancing the Mrs. to her next step in the great power grab. Many of us old cynics think that she could even be hoping for a BarackO loss so that she will only be 64 when the next presidential bid comes her way.

Could that be why Bill had to defer to the letter of the Constitution to define who is qualified to be president of these United States? Some pundit reminded him that the Constitution is very clear about those qualifications, which are: you need to be at least 35 years of age and born in the US. And even that last can be tricky as we know that Admiral McCain’s son, Johnny, was born in Panama which we don’t even have a lease on any more.

More on the non-buy ad wars—Paris’s ad attacking McCain was pretty cute, “I’ll see you in Denver, Bitches.” But the real good that came out of it was her mentioning Rihanna for her possible veep choice which sent me to YouTube and I wouldn’t blame anyone for doing the same.

Alas, the Olympics are here and my Morning Joe won’t be the same although this morning I did get to see the US defeat the Japanese yet again, with a one-nil victory in soccer.


  1. Seeing how Wild Johnny Mac shrewdly offered up Cindy for the Bikini/69/Banana Chuffing and the Pickle Lickin contests for the delectation of the Bikers at the Buffalo Chip Rally in Sturgis, SD, it would seem that the door is now wide open for McCain to tap Bubba for the VP slot, and finally drop that prune-faced prude Holy Joe Lieberman from consideration.

    What an awesome ticket! A pair of deranged stroke victims who have both lost control of their frontal cortex functions, spewing profanities and vile juvenile insults at every perceived affront to their imperial porkulence. Now that would be a campaign to behold, my friends!

    Obama wouldn't get the time of day from the press in the face of such a traveling Cavalcade of Craziness.


    *Me and Bubba are cool
    *The "controversy" is a media fabrication
    *Go watch the Olympics

  3.'re the man....hows your ambersand? much love, and admiration, Emily.

    ps. Meils and i love the thongs....
