Monday, August 11, 2008

Busting Cokie's chops

BarackO, the skinny guy, a lightweight? McWrinkly Guy wants to have his own wife enter a topless beauty pageant in front of 50 thousand bikers because she was such a successful cheer leader in high school. But BHO supposedly lacks substance or gravitas of the political kind even though he definitively beat the crack Clinton machine in the primary. Does this feat not demonstrate good organizational skills, discipline, a solid business plan, tenacity and chutzpah? Did anyone put money, back then, on the unknown black guy with the funny name and a grandmother living in Kenya to beat Bubba’s wife, the former two term first lady and 2nd term Senator from New York with a formidable fund raising machine and a world wide face? I think not.

What, anygate, was Barack thinking back then? Maybe to get on the ticket if he finished well enough ahead of Kucinich and Mike Gravel. It’s hard to think now who might have really had a chance in that whole field and yet some in that field are being considered for the skinny guy’s veep. After Iowa, none of the other boys in the race could touch the lad.

So where do the punditocracy get off saying he doesn’t have what it takes and not enough heft. PJ Buchannan keeps saying “he can’t close the deal,” but he broke a bunch of barriers like not giving out “walking around money” in Philly and still winning despite Boo Cannon saying that the young man has a lot to learn if he thinks he’s going up against the old school pols. BarackO has also kept the campaign pretty clean by not initiating negative attack ads but, rather cleverly parrying the funny, if fatuous, kind of ads that Steve “the Bullet” Schmidt keeps lobbing into the cable news types so they won’t have to talk about the economy. And BTW, who you callin’ “stupid”?

The malarkey spewed by both sides that these ads keep the candidate from talking about “the issues” is exactly what they want. The minute either one opens their mouth on any serious subject the other side is researching everything they have said, or anyone else has said, and new ads come out about “flip-flopping,” although that shop worn phrase seems to have lost some of its zing of late.

I can’t help thinking that the “white haired dude” is going to be thinking fondly of his former interrogators as he approaches the first debate. And BHO is probably spending his matutinal hour and a half in the gym sharpening his foot work and pounding the light and heavy bags instead of “dunking three shotters,” as the otherwise capable Jonathan Capeheart of the Post would have it. (Even spell-check just asked: how black is Capeheart that he doesn’t know common basket ball terms?)

And now the big O has the audacity to hope he can get away with going to visit his grandmother in Hawaii which he will combine with a family vacay. Cokie Roberts said yesterday, “I know it’s a state and not some exotic foreign place, but…” But what? She thinks he should probably have gone to a more quotidian shore, like “Myrtle Beach in NC.” Cokie, usually pretty astute and thoughtful, wants our boy to try to pull the wool over his future voters eyes by staying in a motel a couple of blocks from the beach (lotta presuming here) and sending out to Dominoes in order to parry the opinion that he is elitist. I say, go back and see some of your old school mates and the grandmother who has to be pretty danged old since he’s 47. It could be the last time.


  1. Cokie trotted this same line out this morning on her every-Monday check-collection on NPR about Hawaii being an exotic locale for a vacation with the same breathless know-it-all bluster as usual. Um, Cokie, the fact that you're guessing the average American will think that Hawaii is an elitist enclave shows that you need to spend more time outside. If you haven't been to Hawaii then you haven't been to all 50 states and how much more of America do you want to see than that—how much more can you even?

    Somebody needs to tap her kneecap with a small hammer and see if she blurts "Elitist Half-breed!" You listen to her disembodied voice and it's like Sam Donaldson after a few wheeskees. Actually, has anyone ever seen them in the same room at the same time? We need a Smoking Jacket expose on this she-hack, Smokie Roberdson. Follow the wig money...

  2. Cokie stopped being astute and thoughtful a long time ago. She's just another droner of right wing talking points.

    It is unfortunate that she doesn't seem to be aware that Hawaii is one of the fifty states. If Obama goes to Alaska, we'll see another orgy of idiocy.

  3. Ha! Guess where Cokie spent HER weekend?

    Nantucket! What was that about elite, Cokie?

  4. Cokie just got Bruced...she even tried to hold up her "fundraising for public radio" shield but it didn't work.

    This flap is all over the blogoverse. I think the phrase "some sort of foreign exotic place" has got legs. As in, "Let's go get a coffee at Dunky's. I feel like going to some sort of foreign exotic place."

  5. I do love to travel - and I have a yen to go to some sort of foreign exotic place, so this evening I'm going to Hart's Location.

  6. Don't be so hard on poor Princess Cokie. She is a born and bred creature of Washington aristocracy, raised in the shadow of her parents, the legendary Loozyana congressman Hale Boggs and his widdah Lindy, who assumed the throne when he passed on.

    She inherited the precious trappings of nobility and seemingly wears the filigreed raiment of entitlement with sublime comfort and confidence. How could anyone expect her to know of the frightening and mysterious world of ordinary human suffering and striving?

    Beyond her consorts and cohort in the marbled halls of power and influence lies only an amorphous miasma of filth and stench that no decent habitante of Versailles-sur-Potomac could ever comprehend.

    In this context it is understandable that she would proclaim Hawaii to be some sort of "foreign, exotic place". From her perspective, Philadelphia, Miami and anywhere beyond her favored provinces would qualify in the same category. She undoubtedly knows of Myrtle Beach from her tennis partners in Hilton Head, thus the mention of this locale as a suitable vacation spot for Nigras and rednecks.

    The ossified remains of whatever journalistic integrity she may once have possessed are ashes and deserve a decent burial. Her specter on the screen is but a tortured soul, condemned to wander the airwaves as a gruesome, cadaverous wretch- desperately wailing for a world that is crumbling around her- lashing out at the usurpers with brown skin and new ideas.

    For Cokie and her dying dynasty, this is the End of the World. She may not deserve our sympathy, but at least pity her.
