Wednesday, August 13, 2008

One creepy crap shoot

What the hell was President Saakakashvili thinking to go poking the Bear with such a sharp stick? Strong leadership is important and the ideal of democracy is a good thing but why push it when you are pretty sure that the consequences will be tragic.

Russians are notorious for their bullying and land grabbing. Think of the wholly unsuccessful attempt to protect the commie population in Afghanistan against the mujahedeen. Hard to pick a favorite in that one but I think most of us wanted to see the 3CP get the short end. War-crossed Chechnya is a federal subject of Russia that has been fighting them since the USSR broke up in 1991. This murderous and wasteful conflict actually goes back 80 plus years. They’re still fighting.

Those of us of a certain age remember the early TV footage of war when Khrushchev sent tanks into Hungary to put down that revolution. The tanks reappeared in 1968 when Alexander Dubcek had to get slapped around by the Kremlin for trying a similar stunt in what is now the Czech Republic. The heinous aftermath of these “conflicts” has resulted in tens of thousands of deaths, even more wounded, orphans and homelessness. It’s insane.

It boggles to think that Saakashvili thought he could pull this off and it makes it a little unbelievable that he would think that the west and particularly the US would come to his aid. It would be a bad idea even if we weren’t stretched so thin militarily. We shouldn’t go to war just because we can. There are strategic interests but that is true else where and many of us think that phrase is just code for “blood for oil.” When I read in the Times that neo-cons think that “promoting democracy is the paramount goal” I think of how hideously wrong they were on invading Iraq. In the same article I read McCain saying good things about his “friends” the Georgians (he nominated President Saakashvili for the Nobel Peace Prize in 2005 – good call) even though it seems that they have pushed Putin to what most observers would conclude was an obvious and avoidable outcome. And I do mean Putin. Nobody thinks Medvedev thinks for the country.

It isn’t clear who fired the first shot when “fighting broke out in South Ossetia” but Tom Ordeman Jr. of Spero News has this analysis:

“Fighting broke out earlier this week between the Georgian military and South Ossetia's rebel forces. Despite an initial ceasefire agreement, fighting flared back up, eventually resulting in Georgian forces shooting down two Russian aircraft. (Guardian, Times). The Russian military responded by sending tanks into South Ossetia and bombing Georgian air bases. The Russian incursion has allegedly escalated to air attacks on Russian cities outside South Ossetia. How this incident will end, and what its impact will be, is anyone's guess.”

But by the time the Migs got shot down, they had already taken out an Israeli made (un-manned) drone belonging to the peace loving Georgians.

I guess, since no one got killed, I wouldn’t have shot down the Russian Migs even for that. On the other hand, nice shooting! You’d think the Russkies would have planes that a little country like Georgia couldn’t blow out of the sky. O well, more boys being boys with big toys. What fun is it to have all this cool stuff to shoot if you don’t get to squeeze the trigger?

Now they have called a truce after Russia has decimated the Georgians' military, killed a couple of thousand citizens and soldiers, and ruined ancient architecture and modern infrastructure. BarackO said yesterday, “there is no possible justification for these attacks.” He’s wrong. The justification is to send a clear message from Moscow not to mess with us. It does remind one of the adage, “If he takes a knife to a fight, you take a gun.”

The Russians are not going to take any guff from US or our allies and they feel provoked by the Bush policy of cozying up to one of its neighbors, who just happen to have a lot of oil being pumped across its borders. McCain’s bluster about kicking the Rooshians out of the G8 makes about as much sense as a “gas holiday.” I wish he would take a holiday from gassing on about how he “knows” that every American is a Georgian. That’s more than a little over the top. It has a Howard Dean in Iowa eeriness to it.

This thing will blow over because it’s stupid and we need Russian oil and, thankfully, civilians don’t give two shits about all this macho posturing. But look at the mess that is left behind. Two thousand dead “bred of an airy word … A plague a’ both your houses.”


  1. When you get what you think is you best work, you should post a diary on dailykos. It will scroll on the right side of the page and be listed for 1-2 hours and if you get a lot of rec's it may jump to the top, where it will have a longer life. 500 unique visitors a day! Unfortunately it takes an outlandish headline to attract initial views, but rec's and comments will attract more rec's and comments. You need to stay with it to respond and keep the comments going.

  2. I meant 500,000 unique visitors a day!

  3. Reasons they thought the west including us would help:

    1. Their troops in Iraq (which are in the process of being sent back to fight in this conflict)
    2. Our encouragement in the form of training and material 'donations' over the past few years (advisors, know, the way it always starts)

    Don't forget that Bush41 promised the Shiites his support in their attempt to overthrow Saaddam back in 1991-2 and that, when they made the effort, we sat back and watched.

    Apple doesn't fall far from tree.

    This will go down as one more corrosive element in our loss of whatever moral authority we might have remaining by now.

  4. Once again the US has stuck its nose where it doesn't belong. Training and supporting the Georgian military at US taxpayers expense gave the Georgian's a sense of boldness that ended up getting a lot of civilians killed. Now GWB and Condie can only watch the blood bath from the sidelines and make strong comments like "we think this is a very bad situation." Nice going. With each absurdly stupid move by the US like this, we are getting closer and closer to moving to another country.

  5. Speaking of dumb moves by the Current Occupant (as he is known by Garrison K.) how about his stupid remarks to the Chinese as he was settling in as a guest to view the Olympic Games? How many more days are left until we see his tail-lights heading toward Crawford?

    Your analysis of the Georgia fiasco is :spot on" as the Brits say

  6. The commenters above display an intelligence and basic awareness of current events that is unusual in this country nowadays. No, we are not a nation of knuckle-dragging mouth breathers (although we have more than our share of that species represented in the public discourse)- we are however a population of ill- and mis-informed people whose press has abandoned their post and renounced their obligation to provide us the most elemental information about our government, the rest of the world, and even ourselves.

    The spark of curiosity is there; the hunger for knowledge is evident, but as is the case with 99.9% of our fellow citizens, we are informationally crippled by a duplicitous and corrupt corporate media whose interest lies(as with all corporate entities) in self-enrichment and rapacious domination of their fiefdoms.

    Consider that ABC is owned by the Walt Disney Corporation, which is controlled by an uber-conservative anti-labor dynasty. NBC is owned by General Electric, among the largest US defense contractors. It would be an exercise in wild fantasy to assume that these massive industrial oligarchies would ever allow their media news divisions to endanger their bottom line by challenging the power elite that feeds their coffers to overflowing.
    In order to speak truth to power, they would need to challenge themselves!

    Fortunately we live in the age of free and open web access (although this freedom is under constant assault by the megalopolies that control our internet access- be vigilant O cyber-patriots!), and this enables us to seek out other, less corrupted sources of news and info.

    As an example, consider the pathetic and self-referential coverage given the current conflict in Georgia. We get the images of our Dear Leader acting tough in defense of Georgia, one of our Coalition of the Shilling in Iraq, and of Blood n' Guts John McCain barely restrained from hijacking a nuclear-armed bomber and flying off to destroy the Rooskies single-handed!

    The truth is much less dramatic , and reflects a regional history and politics of which we are almost totally unaware.

    Here is the news that the rest of the planet sees (and we don't look like we think we do):

    THIS ADDITIONAL NEWS from Russia shows how our idiotic meddling in this affair is dangerous and destabilizing.

    The website WATCHING AMERICA has a daily digest of mostly reliable global news sources, mostly in English.

    Enquiring minds want to know!

  7. This morning's NYT ed. insists that the US should do this, and the President must tell Putin that, and Condi should insist...What a bunch of crap. They are short on specifics however to the point of NONE. As the King of Spain would say, "Shaddup!"
