Tuesday, April 19, 2011

He who must be obeyed: The Trump bump

I’ve been having the devil’s own time trying to get a program that will send out a mass email to alert TSJ fans of a new post. My guru Sue thinks she has found a program that will do it and it is shockingly complicated compared to the old “create a group” click that even I could figure out. The restriction has made it difficult for others to do unwanted mass mailings. And I can dig that. Let’s give it a try.

I am truly fascinated with The Doofus, that is, the astronomical attention he has garnered from the press by continuing his assaholic schtick into a presidential campaign. I too think it’s fascinating that such a well known figure would think that he is presidential material because he knows how to make a real estate deal. The fact that he has a hit “reality” show does nothing for me. Billy Ray Cyrus created a hit show. But that the press is stringing him along at the expense of real news is in a way alarming. It’s like picking on the fat kid or the new kid on the playground. I feel like they are taunting him into some huge meltdown that will show to all who have been watching what a vainglorious victim of the ratings system he will prove to have been.

The second time Henry Kissmyass threatened to quit the Nixon regime if he didn’t get his way, John Chancelor said he was reminded of the guy about whom it was said, “the louder he talked of his honor, the faster we counted the spoons”. I know that I watch too much of this stuff, but it gives me the advantage of getting the joke of how many times Mr. Chump has touted how smart he is and where he went to school to get his fantastic grades. That his daughter is so great that he would date her if not for a somewhat sticky consanguinity issue. That the only reason the Chinese are beating our brains in economically is because he of the tornadic top is not doing the negotiating. This bit of foolishness was followed by the fatuous suggestion that he would simply make China pay a 25 percent tax on all goods shipped into our country. His implication being that La Chinoise would cave immediately rather than punishing the zillions of American businesses with facilities in China.

The whole birther bidneth is glossed over, over and over again. It was with pHuckabee, on tape saying that POTUS 44 was born in Kenya and got his “anti-colonial” ideas from his radical Dad whom he met but once after his father left the family to go get a PhD from Harvard. The Rev. back-tracked of course. But the benefit was established with all the racists put in radio land that cannot believe that a negro is their commander-in-chief. There is not one part of me that thinks this ploy is anything other. And this real estate mogul with his eighth-grade grasp of world events is using such a fear tactic to incite enough voters to propel him into the race. A race he seemed unsure of in an interview this morning of where his kids and wife stand in terms of him running.

I truly believe that the press is holding back on its real evaluation of the possible Trump candidacy because it’s kind of a free story. Have any of them gone down to Hawaii to find the supposed Trump “investigators” who were supposed to report back to him right about now. No. It’ll be dropped because they don’t want to piss off the freebie that keeps on giving. To hear some of the worthies of pundrity pull their punches on this egregious ejet, makes you believe that they are all in on it and that we are the chumps for taking seriously. It is very like the way they treated Sister Sarah. They never wanted her to go away but now that they’ve have Ol’ The Donald, we are pressed to find her anywhere except at the bottom of the Puffington Host and Politico.

Don’t think for a New York minute that I want him to go away. These sitcomish shenanigans confirm my extreme distaste for the electorate at large and aide my pissing and moaning on the printed page.

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