Wednesday, April 27, 2011

The Doofus

Is it not too funny that this behemoth gasconade has a hide one can read through? Bobby Deniro wisely declined to name the object of his scorn but Brian Williams did get him to admit to a description of the TV personality and self important silly-man known mostly for his jerk-off hair styling. The D-man fired back, attacking the intelligence of one of the most important and accomplished actors for almost anyone reading this.

Rove is a no-nothing political hack. Stuart and Colbert are nowt but comedians. Jonathan Alter, who just called him a “fool”on MSNBC, will soon be under attack for a lack of credentials (and probably hair) even as the POTUS’s attendance at fancy schools seems to be fair game for the least of all likely candidates for that office.
Trump went to a military academy. Now I ask you: Who gets sent to that kind of school? If my parents could have afforded it, me. A wisenheimer who could use a good ass kicking. Even “W” got into Andover. None of the Kennedy kids had to get their ears batted by some retired army major with boozy breath and a penchant for picking on kids. I will bet not too many military schools send kids to the Ivies and though I haven’t checked I shouldn’t be at all surprised if there isn’t a wing at Penn with the Trump logo that Trump pere thought might ease the skids for his pretentious pompadoured pup.

Is there a point Pete, you might inerroneously ask. This man, who inexpertly referred to a substantially important group in this country as “the blacks”, has now doubled down on that statement. Cool. Kiss them good bye. But my problem is that in questioning how, what he has termed , “a not very bright guy” got into, not one, but two Ivy League schools. He doesn’t mention that the Prez also went to the most prestigious prep school in Hawaii or that he got into Occidental College before transferring to Columbia. He likely never heard of it though it is first rate and very difficult to get into. The only take that I can see on this is, sadly, a racist one. Questioning Obama’s ability to get into a school like the one he went to, can only suggest that there he is concerned about an “equal opportunity” provided for people of color or three ears or not enough toes.

Apparently the man who would be king thinks that the snazzy school syndrome is only for realtor royalty and their spawn. I feel certain that we are going to leave this sht 4 brains media whore off the hook because some think that racism is passé and that the President and his retinue would never touch it themselves. He’s a joke to them. He’s too unimportant.
You likely don’t waste your time keeping up with all this malarkey. So I’ll tell you. The subliminal message from this sublimely superficial cipher, is that he believes that there is an underlying racism in this country and there are more of them than there are decent people and he will get their votes.

He must be forgetting that Obama is already President. That he got over half of the people who could vote to vote for him. The Donald’s is passing. Young people in the work force don’t fret about race or gender issues. They care about their Droids and BMers; getting their kids into the Country Day just above their station; and braces. Just, as in my day, our parents didn’t quite acknowledge certain European ancestry and we couldn’t care less, the same is true of our kids only with different categories. Their kids will probably march for equal rights for Martians.

I shouldn’t, but I really hate the Donald and all the Donalds of the world. The only thing this schlubby garish gonnef has going for him is his ostentation. And that’s pathetic because so many of us are paying attention. And I just saw that Trump is taking credit for the airing of HBO’s actual birth certificate. Ai yi freakin’ yi!

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