Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Post-dictions for 2008

These were a few of my favorite things:
· Sarah Palin
· “The economy is basically sound”
· Winning Iowa
· Winning NH (it kept things lively as in: I never wanted it to end)
· HRC ducking for cover
· WJC trash talkin’ Jesse because he won in South Carolina
· The Fuckabees
· The terrorist fist jab & the NYer cover
· Sarah Palin
· Finding out my buddy Marianne Pernold-Young was the one who made HRC a little verklempt (or as the media had it: bawled her freakin’ eyes out.)
· Rudy’s Florida, Florida, Florida strategy
· Johnny Mc calling his wife that word that men must never mutter when she gently chided him about being “a little thin on top” (You think his top is thin? How ‘bout his skin?)
· D. Kucinich, D-OH admitting he believes in space aliens
· D. Kucinich’s wife
· Mike Gravel getting me a cup of coffee when I was the only one who showed up for his “rally” at the Met in North Conway. Not the only press, the only person.
· HRC reserving the Kennett High gym for a long weekend when she knew she would be elsewhere so that she could block Barack
· Lipstick on a Pig (in my heart I believe he was gleeful over the double entendre)
· Sinking the three pointer for the troops
· The Johnny & Barry white-tie comedy act
· The John Edwards $400 haircuts and subsequent YouTube clip
· John Edwards knocking up his own over-paid videoist
· Fred Thompson’s out of the chute start on an un-plugged mechanical bull
· Ron Paul’s incredible indelible following
· Sarah Palin
· Mitt Romney’s secret Mormon undies
· BHO lifting words from Deval Patrick who had boosted them from MLK Jr. & others
· The mass media criticizing the mass media for being the mass media
· Chris Mathews getting a thrill running up his leg over BHO
· Former NSA Sec. Zbig Brzinsk calling Morning Joe Scarboring’s understanding of foreign policy “stunningly superficial” while ignoring the fact that his daughter (Meekly Buttinski) who co-hosts for Joe, is herself nothing less than stunningly superficial (she had the sand to pick on Caroline Kennedy for interjecting too many “ya knows” into unscripted answers when she herself can seldom finish a sentence. Pot, Kettle, Black)
· Milorad Blag'oy'ovitch finally getting us all to know how to pronounce his name and dousing the possibility of having that other crook Jesse Jr. for an Ill. Sen.
· And who don’t love Pat Fitzgerald?
· Jesse Sr. for offering his surgical skills in order to make the next President (who has effectively made him irrelevant) a soprano
· HRC for bravely ducking sniper fire (again). YGBSM!
· Her husband for not having one single affair revealed during the seemingly endless campaign
· Michelle O correctly wearing a GAP dress on TV just prior to Sarah Palin’s wardrobe debacle
· Bristol Palin not marrying that flaming shit-heel Levi
· Todd not coming down with another DUI or STD
· Trig staying out of mean spirited jokes (for the most part)
· Katie Couric’s miraculous comeback (thank you Governor Palin)
· Charlie Gibson’s piss poor performance which goes a long way to seeing evening network news take a digger (I miss it already)
· Whoever the dub was (Wolf?) asking candidates seeking the freaking presidency of the United States to answer a killer question by raising their hands
· Rudy & entourage going to a Portsmouth restaurant newly named “Rudy’s” and ruining our night
· McCain’s gracious concession (Johnny, we hardly knew ye)
· Getting a mention for my paper by Tim on Meet the Press only to find out my publisher doesn’t watch
· Getting canned twice in the first half of the year (a personal best) by said publisher
· Marge the Barge quitting
· Dave Peterson reinstituting the Horsefeather’s C’mas party
· Heather getting preggers
· Wendy up with putting
· The Brothers Karamazov
· A week at Ocean Alley
· Cheap cognac

And O, did I mention Sarah Palin who gave us this:

Q: One of the things you talked about last night was the flexibility the vice president has —
PALIN: Yeah.
Q: — Uh. What did you mean by that?
PALIN: Uh. That thankfully our founders were wise enough to say we have this position and it's constitutional — vice president will be able to be not only the position flexible, but it's gonna be those other duties as assigned by the president. A simple thing.

Bless her heart.

May you be made Madoff rich in the New Year without getting caught.


  1. I realize snark is so much more fun - but at least go for honest snark. Dennis Kucinich did not say anything about space aliens. He admitted to seeing a UFO - something most of us have experienced. You've never looked up and seen something in the sky and said, "What the heck is that?"

    Pillory DK for the stuff he's actually said or done, please.

  2. I thought I saw DK in the sky New Year's eve. Happy 2009, Mr. Jacket

  3. Pete,

    I know about Sarah Palin and she ain't no Heatha..I would have thought Heatha would have appeared in your list many, many times.

    Here's hoping that Heatha's brother can see some of the inaugural events.

  4. Ahhh. . .the warm and precious memories. . .

    Sarah the Terrah- geographically challenged:
    "I like being here because it seems like here and in our last rally too -- other parts around this great Northwest -- here in New Hampshire you just get it." --Sarah Palin, Laconia, New Hampshire, Oct. 15, 2008

    We're going to need a much longer border fence:
    "They are also building schools for the Afghan children so that there is hope and opportunity in our neighboring country of Afghanistan." --Sarah Palin, speaking at a fundraiser in San Francisco, Oct. 5, 2008

    My personal favorite Palinism:
    "Well, it certainly does because our -- our next door neighbors are foreign countries. They're in the state that I am the executive of. And there in Russia ... We have trade missions back and forth. We-- we do-- it's very important when you consider even national security issues with Russia as Putin rears his head and comes into the air space of the United States of America, where-- where do they go? It's Alaska. It's just right over the border. It is-- from Alaska that we send those out to make sure that an eye is being kept on this very powerful nation, Russia, because they are right there. They are right next to-- to our state." --Sarah Palin, asked by Katie Couric how Alaska's proximity to Russia gives her foreign policy experience, CBS News interview, Sept. 24, 2008

  5. SueBru -

    "What the heck is that" doesn't amount to scientific inquiry any more than claiming one has seen a UFO amounts to the actual existence of visitors from outer space checking us out. But if one takes litterally "Unidentified" then, I'm almost certain that I have seen things in the sky that I was not able to name and likely muttered, "WTH?".

    Apologies to Congressman Kucinich for thinking he was some kinda kook for having spotted aliens which I assumed would be in a vessel of some kind and he must have seen them through the wind shield when they went through the IHOP drive through back when he was in high school

  6. Damn!! The reason I supported Dennis the Menace back in '04 was because I thought he would end hatey spacist profiling directed against innocent alien tourists.

    Now that he has flipped and abandoned his commitment to alien rights, I'm switching all my future support to Tom Cruise.

    And Hey! I see aliens all the time. Does that make me crazy? Hell no bro'!! It's the acid flashbacks and overexposure to George W. that set me off!

  7. The Messiah of the RepubliConservaCorp is polishing her media relations PR machine
