Friday, March 27, 2009

Just say no

I know Judd Greg well enough to have punched him in the arm. “Good t’ see ya’ Judd,” I sarcastically sneered. I don’t much care for the fellow primarily because he’s a nerd but secondarily because he beat the draft during the Vietnam War because he had acne. ACNE! I knew guys in the army who had acne. Did they have to get special permission to be drafted because of a non contagious skin disease? I don’t think so. Was Judd a wuss who was too precious to go or does… and I know this is a stretch, it make any sense that his father was the governor and maybe helped his Exeter and Ivy League scion to keep from having to fulfill his duty. Judd said no to his country then and no to the country now.

Anygate, he’s a dickwad and is now decrying the administration’s plan to try to turn the world economy around. He said in so many words, even if the economy recovers in four or five years we will be stuck with a tremendous debt. And he agrees with the others who have absolutely no plan on what to do, that this administration is “just kicking the can down the road.” They might even, sometimes, allow that the previous prez was FUBAR in regards to his spending this country half unto death. But the hackneyed acneed Senator who almost joined the opposition until he figured out that it would be hard work (like serving in Vietnam) decided to defer that honor too. I am so glad he did because we really don’t need gutless phlegmatic do-nothings right now.

We need brains and leadership. Nobody really knows what the right answer is to solving this fiasco. What we do know (or think we do) is that doing nothing is not an option. I think that if someone had predicted the mess we find ourselves in a year ago, we would have thought that they were nuts. Now we can’t imagine what would happen if the world banking system should collapse. I know it is not going to happen because I just got an increase on my credit without even asking for it. They have to know something we don’t. The goofy grumbling about the Wall Street goons has almost already died down. There is a glimmer of action in new housing and there are indicators that are now turning up a little instead of free falling. The middle may well hold and if it does than we have to give the credit to the people who came up with a plan, got congress to pass it, and thank them for freaking doing something. If Mitch McConnell had it his way the Dems would fail and we all would suffer. Now you are starting to see all of these scalawags trying to get ahead of the action, almost like they know it’s going to work, to say “Yeah, but. Look at how much it cost! Damn those tax and spend socialists.”

If there really was fairness or karma in the world, the Obama team should be able to accomplish what they have set out to do with the most positive results just like W had eight years to do what he wanted largely unfettered. But I don’t really believe in that stuff and I know that too many people would rather see him flame out than have to admit that they were wrong. And it will kill me to have to listen to the geniuses who had absolutely no plan but will be telling us they told us so and now we have this monumental debt and it’s all Big Ears’ fault.

It’s all a gamble. Not a reckless one and not a wreck-less one. It requires that good thinking gets concentrated and strategies are devised and gone over. That computer models are worked and re-worked till you have at least 70 percent of the information (the Powell Doctrine) you need to make a decision. Then you implement and tweak with your fingers crossed and your breath held.

The risible response of the Republican innumeratti, whose “budget plan” had no numbers other than those to count the pages, will hardly do anything to advance their cause, which is... Well, I guess I am not sure what the heck it is. It’s kind of ethereal like a budget without numbers or the logic of protesting going to war because you have a skin problem. If you can believe that kind of thinking, the thought of a President Palin should gladden your heart.


  1. Peter Case for U.S. Senate.
    Did you enlist or were you drafted?

  2. Dear Anon,

    My father would have had any of his five boys shot if we had not volunteered. But I was only in 3 days when I realized what a fool I had been. There was no war on yet. We were just supposed to get it over with. What an acute pain in the arse, though in this time of honoring the soldiers, I'm glad I didn't shirk. And I detest the way the Nam vets were treated.

  3. Piggs----Yeah,yeah, blah, blah, woof, woof. At least Gen. Judd (Budget Hawk) Gregg would not ever, never use an insidious TELEPROMPTER to bamboozle the public with Manchurian New World Order propaganda!

    You know pal- I'm beginning to suspect that maybe you ain't so mavericky yourself! That maybe you're using one a them journo-prompters or plagiaro-prompters to parrot radico-socialo-lefty-blogospheric lies!

    Leave poor Juddy, and the rest of the derma challenged pimple victims alone!


  4. Juck Fudd Gregg. The teleprompter "debate" is not yet of the elevated nature that TSJ is normally accustomed to address and we know something about bamboozling. I will say that the illogic of the premise should also extend to denying the Pres the opportunity to memorize a speech, or even write one down, If he's so good why can't he just always talk of the top of his head, without the special olympic jokes of course.

  5. This sounds promising:

    Microbes make methane from CO2 and electricity

    What struck me as making this technology potentially practical was this:

    "methane is easy to store and transport using existing natural gas and LP infrastructure. (Natural gas is mostly methane, so the existing national pipeline system for natural gas would work fine for this source.)"

    Any chemists or electrical engineers among the Smoking Jacket devotees? Anyone know anything about this?

  6. Love this blogumnist. Best line from today's blogumn:

    I used to wonder what a political party would be like if it consisted of all the crazy aunts and uncles people keep locked away in their basements and attics. Mystery solved.
