Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Christmas drear

O Gawd how I miss the campaign. We’re now down to yakking about puppy picks, what Michelle will wear to the balls, and whether the Smoker-in-Chief is mincing words about whether he does or doesn’t. Athens is in its third day of riots, the world economy is in a handbasket headed for Hades, we are fighting two wars, and we keep piling on the debt at home with a ho hum.

There is, of course, the Detroit debacle to perk us up. I hesitate to say “bailout” because I don’t believe that’s going to happen. I know bupkes about macro economics, except that “macro” means big, but when you look at the rate that Detroit is hemorrhaging dollars and the fact that new car demand is down from 17 mill a year to ten, anybody who can add and subtract would bet that there is no way that those companies can pay back these or any loans. They’ll take the money, reimburse their stock ops and let the chips fall where they may. Right now, Barney and Nancy want to give them a veto-proof $15 Billion dollars. Chump change in the world according to TARP. And they will have til March to get their asses out of its current sling and come back for more. What a plan! What a great country! What an eye-ache!

Some hotshot who works for Rick Wagoner, the top-kick at GM, actually tried to tell the booboisie this morning that Rick’s $16 mil. in bonuses, were really only a fraction of that when you figure the value of the stock. If you believe that then you will probably fall for his prognosis of GM’s overseas sales as solid. If there was any good news from Mo Town, why would it be an asterisk from this flack instead of a headline as big as The New York Post had for OJ’s recent change of address: "NOW ROT."

The big question for me is: Would we bail out American workers in Marysville, Ohio, making Hondas or BMW builders in South Carolina? I don’t think so. I think we tell them foreign fkrs to take a flying leap at a freakin' doughnut. But the argument, which we haven’t even heard a hint of from them, would be: We are American workers who pay taxes and all the subsidiary dependents of our industry would be screwed just as much as up in Detroit. If anyone is suggesting that GM's apron is more important because it’s bigger, than I want to know where the cut off is. What’s too big to fail, and, too small to care about?

But see, they are not asking for a bailout. American cars have one in the top ten car sales according to Consumer Reports. Why aren’t people buying American? I’ve had four Jeeps. I thought that was a good statement of how ‘mericun I am, although I now question why the dealer didn’t give me an Old Glory lapel pin so I could double down on my patriotism rush. Then, I found out that my ‘90 Wrangler was actually assembled in Comminist Chiner. What the hotel? YGBSM!

So, what is a patriot to do? Back up these billionaires on their boneheaded plan just so we can someday apologize to our children and their children for the extra gift they keep giving the gummint with every paycheck? Or tune into the post-season playoffs with a vengeance? Go Pats! (If they can squeak in past the New Jersey 'Jits.)

On another somewhat less sanguine note, I learned this morning from Dave Walker who was the head of the GAO (the nation's top accountant) that we’re broke, screwed and tattooed. By 2030 the entire budget will be spent on Soc. Sec., Medicaid and Care and interest on the national debt. That’s if things keep on keeping on. There will be ZERO money for defense (now 54% of our annual budget), twice as much for VA, about the same for education, right next to nada for infrastructure and scientific research. Even Ted Stevens couldn’t squeeze a nickel out of that budget.
Walker says that beginning next year and 20 years after, 78 million people will become pensioners and medical dependents of the US taxpayer.

If you haven’t seen this guy click here then pour a bracer and have a look. This interview is over a year old but I watched him say the same things today. Medicare, he says, is 5 times worse than SS. Now he is working for Pete Peterson’s new foundation so that he can do in the private sector what he could not in government. He said, “My new position will provide me with the ability and resources to more aggressively address a range of current and emerging challenges facing our country, including advocating specific policy solutions and courses of action.” Sweet.

Pete Peterson said, “The entitlement monster is unfunded. We are dangerously dependent on foreign capital. Our health care costs per capita are twice the level of the developed world. The goal is to integrate public policy and charitable giving and to answer this question: How do you educate a public that has become largely inert?”

Blog, Baby, Blog.


  1. Piggs, you ignorant slut!

    Your admiration for Peterson and Walker is sadly misplaced. I've worked on panel discussions with both of these unregenerate Wall Street oligarchs, and I can tell you that their message has been consistent and narrowly focused for many years.

    Their windmill, which they relentlessly flail at, is the Medicare and Social Security hobgoblin.

    In reality, Social Security needs some occasional tweaks to keep it solvent so it can continue providing our elderly brothers and sisters with secure and dignified twilight years, just as it has for 70 years.
    Read the CBO and SSA estimates. Neither reflects any of the Cassandraesque wailing of the likes of these two alarmists.

    Medicare, on the other hand, is a cesspool of corruption and mismanagement, and a revolting testament to the cowardice, cronyism, nepotism and lobbyist-feeding greed of a generation of thieves who have inhabited the halls of Congress and the rat warrens of the Executive branch.

    A thorough housecleaning and a set of stiff regulations with punitve consequences would go a ways toward improving the problems. National health care and the removal of rapacious insurance and pharma corporate interests from the trough would also help.

    Peterson and Walker always advocate raiding the Treasury, increasing payroll taxes, raisng the retirement age and reducing care and benefits as their solutions to avoiding the entitlement Apocalypse.

    Who does it sound like these burdens will fall on? If you guessed "Working Families",
    you're a winner! (depending of, course on your income level)

    I have never heard Pete or Dave address the unsustainable tax cuts for the top 1%, the bloated defense budget, the laughable capital gains tax or the corporate tax dodges that drain our common Treasury like a storm sewer.

    Trillions of dollars in hedge fund profits are taxed as capital gains at 15% and the monarchs of the financial dynasties are stuffing what little is left of our descendants' legacy into their gout-encrusted goiters.

    But, predictably, Walker, Peterson and the rest of the Kleptocracy ignore these potential sources of revenue in favor of pauperizing the middle class, which currently means anyone making less than a million a year.

    Now if you'll excuse me, I've got to puke.

  2. Peter what happened to writing about the county and Marge? Somebody scare you off?

  3. The official reason that Margie has lost interest for The Jacket is that I have to get up extra early on a cold New Hampshire morning (2 degrees at 7am today) with a couple inches of snow on top of what we already had, which can be seen as romantic from this cozy library with a mug of joe, but instantly translates into Solzhenitsynese when your ass is plunked down on frozen plastic waiting for the defroster to kick in because you can't find the scraper (again).

    I have driven the thirty mile round trip only to find nothing going on or worse, into non-public. If I could put that in the paper it might be worth it, but you can get that from the Sun and CCI. If The Jacket paid better I would certainly suffer the slog back and forth. Margie's always good for something and if not I can just make it up.

  4. todays Weather:
    40 degrees with the rain freezing on yesterday's snow. The sanding truck has been by this house a half dozen times. Marge ain't worth it and neither is the bucking fudget. Plus, hello... I have a real job cooking and bottle washing. I'll need your fkn prayers to get me there without scratching my precious ride.

  5. New COMIX fun- I like the cameo appearance of Paul Krugman trying to warn the public.

    Also, if you haven't already, check out The Drifters animated rendition of White Christmas.

  6. Colin Powell rips the GOP a new one:

    The Republican party must stop "shouting at the world" and start listening to minority groups if it is to win elections in the 21st century, former Secretary of State Colin Powell said Thursday.
    (Listen to Minority Groups? Oh yeah, like that'll happen!)

    "I think the party has to stop shouting at the world and at the country,"Powell said. "I think that the party has to take a hard look at itself, and I've talked to a number of leaders in recent weeks and they understand that." Powell, who says he still considers himself a Republican, said his party should also stop listening to conservative radio talk show host Rush Limbaugh.

    "Can we continue to listen to Rush Limbaugh?" Powell asked. "Is this really the kind of party that we want to be when these kinds of spokespersons seem to appeal to our lesser instincts rather than our better instincts?"

    Thanks Colin.For your edification, here are some choice Limbaughisms- direct from the horse's anus:

    * "The Clintons have a cat, but their nanny has a dog," during a tirade against the Democratic National Convention, 8/28/96. Limbaugh had referred to Chelsea Clinton as the "White House dog" in 1993. Apparently, he liked the remark so much he decided to repeat it.

    * "... If you want to know what America used to be -- and a lot of people wish it still were -- then you listen to Strom Thurmond," 9/1/93.

    * Limbaugh once told an African-American caller to "take that bone out of your nose."

    * "The NAACP should have riot rehearsals," he announced on another occasion. "They should get a liquor store and practice robberies." When Sen. Carol Moseley-Braun's name was mentioned on his program, Limbaugh played the theme song, "Movin' On Up," from the 1970s black sitcom, The Jeffersons.

    * "Have you ever noticed how all newspaper composite pictures of wanted criminals resemble Jesse Jackson?" he once asked listeners.

    Yes, oh God yes! This is the voice of modern Consevative "thought". Be very afaid!

  7. Heloo-oo?! Anyone still alive up in here at Ice Station Zebra??

    How bad was it?

  8. What's wrong (or, really, find anything right) with This Picture??:

    The Securities and Exchange Commission, a once-proud agency. . .missed a series of red flags at Bernard L. Madoff Investment Securities.

    Similarly, the agency’s chairman, Christopher Cox, assured investors nine months ago that all was well at Bear Stearns. It collapsed three days later.

    H. David Kotz, the commission’s new inspector general, has documented several major botched investigations. He has told lawmakers of one case in which the commission’s enforcement chief improperly tipped off a private lawyer about an insider-trading inquiry.

    Another report criticized investigators in the commission’s Miami office who inexplicably had dropped an important inquiry involving securities sold by Bear Stearns. A third report documented the lack of any significant oversight by the commission over Bear Stearns in the months leading to its collapse.

    The enforcement division has been hamstrung by budget cuts and changes adopted by the S.E.C. that make it harder to impose penalties on corporations, even when there has been egregious wrongdoing, Arthur Levitt Jr., the S.E.C. chairman from 1993 to 2001, told Congress in October. The result has been “a demoralizing of the enforcement staff,” Mr. Levitt said.

    A recent report to Congress by Mr. Kotz is a catalog of major and minor problems, including an investigation into accusations that several S.E.C. employees have engaged in illegal insider trading and falsified financial disclosure forms.

    Some experts said that appointees of the Bush administration had hollowed out the commission, much the way they did various corners of the Justice Department.

    Ho-Hum, just another day at the office at BushCorp. Nice of the Business media to give us the post-mortem, but where were they during the onset of this disease? Oh, right! They were enthusiastically cheerleading the wholesale destruction of the global economy and the upward transfer of incalculable wealth to the corrupt Plutocracy.

  9. Ho hum indeed. Somebody please show me the damn money that is supposed to be shoring up credit lines so people can borrow to build things and their lives. Why isn't our money getting to where it is asposed ta? You know those dicks in charge are just lining their nests. And, why not have auto money come out of TARP if they get anything at all?
